OMG just baked some Cheese Straws and I am trying one now straight form the oven (I couldn’t wait). They are phenomenal but the recipe will be added to my Christmas recipe book as these little savoury treats are something I make at holiday time as they are a welcome addition to the party table. Delicious with dips – ohhh Hummus – now I need to make some to go with the Cheese Straws. I know that two of my daughters will love them but I am not sure about the other two children. I don’t know if my husband will eat them as I have used parmesan in the recipe ( just because there was some in the fridge).  As I was only making a small sample of this recipe I haven’t that many for the children to enjoy (if they like them) so I need to make something else for the family to eat later. My son wants to make some Cupcakes so I might get round to making some later and allow the children to decorate them. I will share the recipe and photos later of their little creations. 🙂

Cheese Straws

For the reminder of the Christmas recipes which I am including in my recipe book, I need to capture some up-to-date photos so I need to bake a few more recipes before that job is done. The writing part is coming along nicely but I must catch up with the baking today. Later, I will be making some Cookies for the book but I won’t be sharing this recipe on my blog. Most of the recipes I am including in the new book are what I baked for the Christmas season when I had my market stall. All these bakes were firm favourites and sold really well. I have noticed that a lot of the recipes I am adding to my new book can be made gluten free which is a big plus in my book and one thing I will be trying out in the near future.

Yesterday, I spent my time re-adding my recipe urls on Pinterest due to the number of visitors I have coming from Pinterest to view my recipes and blog posts is in the 7k range now. All of the interest for my blog seemed to stem from my recipe which I shared at Halloween for my Spider Buns. Amazing what a simple recipe which you make up will do to your google analytics results.

Well the oven is now baking three Christmas Cakes which have been ordered for postal delivery this week. While the cakes are baking, I am going to make a couple of phone calls to see if the new farm shops I had positive feedback from last week need any home baked goodies this week and then I may catch up on some more jobs which I need to do (the list is endless at the moment).