Well it is nearly the end of the half term here for my children and I just need the two eldest daughters to come home and then we can start prepping for school going back as there are school bags to sort, homework to be done and dusted and some relaxation time before Monday and chaos arrives. It has been a nice relaxing half term in this house. No rushing about trying to go here, there and everywhere which has been just perfect. I think the children had a very tiring first term back to school, after the summer break, so they enjoyed the lie ins this week, lazy days of staying in pyjamas and no rush to go anywhere. I didn’t really have to plan anything as the children all had things to go to this week so they had something to look forward to.

As my husband has been working all week I didn’t really want to go too far and I have been working this week too 🙂 Although I did have to explain to one of my children today that working from home is not easy as I am expected to do all the housework and run my own business whereas when you  go out to work you just have to do your work and come home in some cases because there is someone at home to run the house. Think their father needs to try a bit harder here and set an example to them that you can do jobs at home as well as go to work. 🙂

Enough about that lets get back to the recipe for the Cinnamon Sugared Pretzels which my children loved. I found this recipe in a book called “The Best of Baking” by Annette Wolter and Christian Teubner and then adjusted it to suit my own family’s needs. I bought this book from a market stall many moons ago.

I changed the recipe as I went as I had a certain idea in mind and I liked how the finished Pretzels looked. I have tried other recipes for Pretzels before but this recipe is the best yet. The Pretzels reminded me of my time in Munich, Germany when my husband and myself would feast on “Bretzens” – those salt covered savoury snacks that were too big for my hands except my Pretzels are sweet rather than savoury but I know my children would enjoy the savoury option too. 🙂

My Cinnamon Sugared Pretzels were delicious and not one was left. One daughter even took a Pretzel for her packed lunch which created lots of attention from her friends who wanted to know “what it was?” and “could they taste it?”. This is a really easy recipe for making Cinnamon Sugared Pretzels so give it a try and let me know what you think?

A Cinnamon Sugared Pretzel Recipe.

Recipe by V.DaleCourse: Breads, pies and savoury snacks, Healthy and special diets, RecipesCuisine: bread, healthy treatDifficulty: Easy


Prep time


Cooking time




Total time



A sweet but healthy treat for those with a sweet tooth 🙂


  • For the dough:-

  • 20g dried yeast

  • 125ml lukewarm milk

  • 80g butter (melted)

  • 320g plain flour

  • 2tsp sugar

  • For the glaze:-

  • 20ml milk for brushing

  • 3tsp ground cinnamon mixed with 30g granulated sugar


  • Preheat the oven to Gas 8.
  • Line two baking trays.
  • In a mixing jug, mix the yeast with the warm milk and leave to stand.
  • In a mixing bowl, weigh out the flour and sugar, mix together and make a well in the centre.
  • Add the yeast mix and the melted butter.
  • Mix together to form a dough.
  • Knead the dough until smooth.
  • Divide into 24 pieces, then roll into long strips before twisting to form the standard pretzel shape.
  • Place on the baking trays, brush with the milk and sprinkle the cinnamon sugar over the top.
  • Bake for 8-10 minutes till golden brown and well risen.
  • Allow to cool slightly before removing from the tray.
  • These Pretzels are best eaten with 24 hours.


  • Nutritionally, one pretzel contains 102 calories, 3.6g total fat (5% daily total fat), 15.2g total carbohydrate (6% daily total carbohydrate), 0.8g fibre (3% daily fibre). (based on a 2000 calorie diet)

From the nutritional information you can see the calories are really low which makes this a very healthy recipe indeed. Perfect for all those who need to watch their calorie intake. The sugar and carbohydrate content are really good too. This is a definite winning recipe for many different dietary requirements.

This recipe is free from and suitable for:-

  • vegetarian friendly
  • egg free
  • free from lupins
  • free from sesame
  • free from soya
  • free from tree nuts
  • free from peanuts

The shelf life for these Cinnamon Sugared Pretzels is very short but I think that is because of the quickness of the method rather than the ingredients used as no proving is needed for this recipe. Maybe if more sugar was added in the recipe they would keep longer. I’m not sure but it is something I will have to try out in the future. There is fat in the recipe so you would think they would last longer. My daughter did say that the next day the flavour had changed and the Pretzel had a slightly bitter aftertaste which I can only put down to the large amount of yeast used in the recipe – it is a lot of yeast. I will be trying this recipe again with other flavours added to it as they are a nice addition to the breakfast table when you want to give the family something different for a change.

If you look to the right of my recipe you will see a conversion calculator so that you can convert the ingredients I have used in the recipe to the measurement which you use when baking. This is to make it easier for my friends across the pond who work a lot in cups as I don’t use cups in my head or in my kitchen. I do have a set of measuring cups but I have been educated in grams/ounces so I often use this calculator myself when I am trying out a recipe by someone else. I asked The Calculator Site if I would be able to add their “Conversion Calculator” to my site as a brilliant addition to help you if try out my recipes. I love it – and if you visit “The Calculator Site” there are loads of other calculators which I have shown to my children and they use them for their homework. If you ever find an ingredient that isn’t on the conversion calculator I am sure if you contact the site direct they will be able to add the ingredient quite easily to make your recipe conversions easier. 🙂 Just give it a try!!