Weekend again and I really need to bake a few goodies for the children to enjoy over the next few days. I am hoping that the eldest daughter will be in the mood to bake something if I give her free reign of the kitchen. This week I have missed “Blueberry Muffin Day” and today is “Gummy Worm Day”. When I told my daughter what today is she suggested making a cake which looks like a garden and push the [amazon_textlink asin=’B0065223Z2′ text=’gummy worms’ template=’ProductLink’ store=’wwwlovetobake-21′ marketplace=’UK’ link_id=’3f428843-69a3-11e7-b4ec-d3c7b786e350′] into the top of the cake. Even better was when my son suggested adding a bird to peck the worms out of the ground. You have to love them for their way of thinking. I am now thinking a batch of muffins some with blueberries and some decorated with crumbled Oreos to look like soil with a worm sticking out of the top. Surely that will be gruesome enough for the children on a Saturday afternoon. 🙂
My recipe for muffins is a standard recipe which I use a lot. I may add a bit of white chocolate to the mixture for a change but as these are really easy to make I just need to run to the shop and grab a few bits, gummy worms, for a start to get on with this job. Also, I am going to start my peanut butter baking marathon to day and bake a batch of Peanut Butter Cookies for my husband to enjoy. I don’t think Gummy Worm Muffins are his thing. Hehehe!! I know I have made these type of cookies before but I don’t feel I have found my ultimate cookie yet.
Rather a busy day, from ferrying children about to finishing the laundry and managing to bake some treats I feel like I have not stopped. Now, I am sitting down and playing catch up with my writing and recipe photos which I have managed to capture before the children tucked in to a few of the delights which I baked today.

My muffins were not blueberry flavour because I didn’t buy any blueberries at the shop – I forgot. Instead I made Cherry and White Chocolate Muffins, as well as, Raspberry and Milk Chocolate Muffins. I have tried both and I like them both as much. I chose these flavours as I had fresh cherries in the fridge and loads of frozen raspberries from my friend’s garden. I did change how I baked them though and the results were astounding. Instead of using [amazon_textlink asin=’B005M20OIY’ text=’muffin cases’ template=’ProductLink’ store=’wwwlovetobake-21′ marketplace=’UK’ link_id=’4ff548b4-69a3-11e7-840d-69b68ee9ab59′], I baked the muffin batter in the [amazon_textlink asin=’B01C2WDTKG’ text=’muffin tins’ template=’ProductLink’ store=’wwwlovetobake-21′ marketplace=’UK’ link_id=’653ab01d-69a3-11e7-8eef-6de41e03d355′] only – no greasing of the tins was required as there is plenty in the batter. The resultant muffins were perfect – well risen, not greasy on the base and the best part was that none of the muffins were stuck to the muffin case. This is how I will make all my muffins from now on.
The Gummy Worm Muffins morphed into Gummy Worm Cupcakes which my children made and decorated. These cakes turned out really well. I told my daughter the recipe for the cake batter and allowed her to weigh out the ingredients. Whilst she carried on with that job my son had the important placing the cake cases in the pudding tray job. After the ingredients were in the bowl, I supervised the mixing using an electric whisk ensuring my daughter held the bowl as well as the whisk whilst mixing. My son wanted to join in with the mixing so the cake batter was thoroughly whisked.
Once baked, the cakes were allowed to cool whilst my son crushed the [amazon_textlink asin=’B003ZZAHZ0′ text=’Oreo cookies’ template=’ProductLink’ store=’wwwlovetobake-21′ marketplace=’UK’ link_id=’762cc259-69a3-11e7-b84e-b130f6c3b37c’] using a rolling pin. My husband helped out here to make sure the cookies resembled soil. I showed my daughter how to make a quick glace icing which they used to stick the pretend soil onto the tops of the cakes. Next, was the fun part, where I left my son in charge of sticking the worms into the cakes. I think for a little boy he has done a very good job. These cakes went down a storm with my children and will be something to add to a Halloween theme at a later date.
Tomorrow, I will add my recipe for Peanut Butter Cookies which I made today for a treat for my husband as the Gummy Worm Cakes were not his cup of tea. Don’t forget about my recipe books which are still on offer for a couple of more days for only 99pence. Available through Amazon as an e-book or a paperback. Now I am off for a cup of tea and to watch a film with my husband.