I have had some strange new ideas going through my head lately for products to add to the webshop so this morning I have been in the kitchen – CREATING!! ( my favourite waste of time). I am baking some samples, working out the costing, taking lots of photos and taste testing (but I will need the children, husband and some friends to do the tasting too). Hopefully. I will add the new bakes next week.
Yesterday, was spent editing a video for the Marzipan and Sweet Mincemeat Muffins. I am just waiting for the musical accompaniment courtesy of my husband and his guitar. I have another video to edit but it took me all morning to just edit the first one. I may leave the other till tomorrow. I need to get back to moving photos about as my computer looks a total mess right now so I am going to have to spend some time really tidying it up as there is far too many photos on it. I may have to recruit my husband in to help me with this task. A Friday night treat for him I think?
My kitchen smells delicious at the moment – “a sweet factory” is all I can say about it as. I have made “A Mixed Up Traybake” up – that is all I can describe it as at the moment. Not other name can be put to it at the minute until it is baked and decorated and photographed.
The excitement is killing me as to what this bake will turn out like as it is something different that I haven’t seen done before. It is out of the oven and cooling now so the toppings have been prepared but it is still too hot to decorate.
As I can’t decide on a name but I know why I made it – “a party idea” or rather in my house “a keep them all happy idea” when I bake something and not all the children like it so I have to bake something else to suit the children who won’t try what I have baked. Sometimes this annoys me but this traybake can be several different ones baked together. The one I have baked today is Doughnut, Cookie and Smores (my version). What my children make of it I don’t know but before they get home I need to take some pictures, weigh the bakes, slice it up and take some more photos and let my husband have a taste test when he comes in for his lunch. It looks interesting but I am not sure that the doughnut is the right thing to include as it has risen up whereas the other two bakes have not risen. I may have to go back to the drawing board for this one but the proof is in the eating. 🙂 Here is a sneaky peak to keep you going.
Next week it is my eldest’s birthday and I need to start working on her cake soon as she is wanting a Rainbow Cake with the multicoloured layers of sponge and the pastel coloured buttercream swirls as decoration. A type of cake which I have never made before but I have seen many different rainbow cakes online so there is plenty to look at.
On Saturday, I am going to bake some Savoury Muffins for a change for the family to enjoy and I will share the recipe for both the meat and meat free version of these muffins when I bake them.
Next week, I need to replenish my store cupboard as I am running short of ingredients for decorating my bakes with. Not sure if this is due to my baking or the children helping themselves when I haven’t been looking. I tend to buy the sweets and decorations when they are on offer in the shops so I will need to have a look around for the best offers.
Back to the behind the scenes jobs I must go but if you have any ideas what treats I could include in the Party Traybake feel free to comment below (think that will be its name).