Afternoon Tea is something I hadn’t really thought about offering on my webshop as I feel there are so many other places to have afternoon tea from such as hotels, cafes and delivery to your home but in the last month I have been asked on several occasions in person and a few phone enquiries whether I offer afternoon tea. So I have bit the bullet, sat down and researched everything from what to offer, recipes to try and how to price an Afternoon Tea. As well as, the products to offer in an Afternoon Tea there is the supply of ingredients, packaging and how to run this side of the business as my main worry was the amount of waste that this type of business could produce. My planning is that I choose bakes where I can cut the recipe down so as not to bake too many of the products then nothing will go to waste. After much thought I think I can make it work and it is worth a try just to see what interest there is out there and if I can do it. Nothing like adding a bit of pressure on yourself when you have plenty of other things to deal with is there?
As long as I have the right products in the Afternoon Teas it should work so I am still working on a few bakes and making a few changes to the products on offer as it is really a case of trial and error with this new idea. Just getting the products added to my webshop was horrendous as I really struggled till quite late on Sunday night and then gave up. Then yesterday morning I woke up determined to get the products up and running and thankfully the idea came to me how to add all the parts of the products on offer to make it work. Thank the Lord for my perseverance and sheer determination as I was so ready to give up. Now I just have to get cracking on some other ideas I want to try. 🙂

Well, the Bank holiday is over 🙁 and my husband starts back at work today which all feels really weird. No more spending time at the cafes, wandering through the parks and shops, taking afternoon siestas or getting jobs done in the house for us both, every day of the week. Instead we will just have to make the most of the weekends with the children such as going for walks and bike rides – which we did on Sunday – and the reward was a soft drink at a nice pub near to Beamish Museum 🙂 It was well worth the exercise and time off the technology so we will have to do it all again sometime soon.
The launch of the Afternoon Teas is well timed don’t you think with the “Platinum Jubilee” just around the corner but I will say a bit more of the ordering of these special treats this week on social media as I am still working on some things. No rest for the wicked or the self employed and I seem to living and breathing all things baking even in my sleep now.
As for the rest of today, I am sitting here keeping a close eye on my husband who is taking his first client call as I write. Fingers crossed he can get through the day without a hitch but there is always that worry in the back of your head that something isn’t quite right. I have plenty to do online which I am hoping to get through before the school run today and then I can be technology free after school as spend some time with my children. 🙂