Easter has been and gone as have most of the chocolate eggs in my house 🙂 The holiday is over and what a lovely relaxing holiday it has been. I think this is the first holiday where I have really enjoyed my long lie ins and not been in a hurry to get up and do anything in particular. I have definitely made the most of my husband being on the sick and not been getting up for a run or for work – everyone has been very laid back in our house. All going to change very soon as he is set to go back to work in May and I am looking forward to it but at the same time dreading it which I am sure he is feeling the same way too.
After the long Easter weekend, I reopened the webshop and I now have a multitude of Empire Biscuits to bake this week already. Nothing like hitting the ground running but I am loving it. Some Empire Biscuits are for postal delivery and some are for collection so I am going to have to be organised on Monday when I start back in the kitchen.

Although I haven’t been baking I have been planning and catching up on admin work that I have to do (there is soooo much admin work to do when self employed). I have spent a lot of time researching recipe ideas which I want to try for some products which I am working on. My plans for the rest of today are to get a shopping list together of the ingredients I am needing to tryout my new ideas and then I can share what it is – it will be a big hit for the imminent Queen’s Jubilee in June 🙂 I am hoping to have something to share this week – orders permitting and maybe there will be a Tik Tok video or two made for you to see what I get up to!!
My jobs for this week:
- are to bake some orders
- make a start on the decorating which is to do downstairs
- trial bakes to do for my new products
- admin work
- get back into the swing of school run
- prep for the Friday Treat Box which is a savoury one this week 🙂
For the rest of this sunny Sunday afternoon I’m off to grab a cuppa to sit in the garden before I veg out in front of the TV as all the school prep is done, the children are chilling in their rooms and we all know what we are having for dinner so there is nothing else needs doing. 🙂