It’s Friday, baking is all done – well at least till tomorrow anyway, orders have been collected and I’m just sitting down to have a cuppa before I have to make a start on dinner. I really can’t be bothered but we are trying to have no takeaways this month as we are thinking we may try and get away in August and do some camping somewhere. Probably end up at my brother’s house but we will still need some spending money. 🙂 I really should make a dinner tonight as I have been living on toast for a few days now whilst the rest of my family have had meals which have been made by my daughters – this has made a nice change and it is good that they are helping in the kitchen more 🙂 I think I may order Gousto next week just to make sure there is some meals in that are quick and simple to make so that I eat properly. If you haven’t tried Gousto yet you should as the meals are really good and I can make the meals stretch to feed a family of six no problem.

This week seems to have gone by in a blur – quite scary really as I feel like I have managed to get loads done. Even fitted in a couple of house viewings – socially distant ones – as we are still trying to sell our house and move to a bigger one just so that my daughters can have more space – maybe give my business a bit more space to as a bigger kitchen would be great. Fingers crossed someone wants to buy it soon although we haven’t seen anything we like that is on the market not that we have been really looking. Yet another job to do on my list.

My bakes during the week of the “Healthy Blondies” came about because my daughter was wanting to bake something and as I was busy homeschooling I left her in charge with a recipe. Anyway, a batch of sugar was left out of the recipe so a lot less sugar was used in the recipe. However, due to the addition of the “American themed Sweets” that we wanted to use up you could not really tell that there wasn’t enough sugar in the recipe except for the top of the Blondies not looking as crisp and caramelised as they should have maybe?? Anyway, after this trial I know what I want to try next with this recipe so bring on the creative day next week – I can’t wait!! A batch of Chocolate Cookies was baked too as my other daughter complains that I never bake anything she likes – she normally has me bake Melting Moments – so I thought I would give her a treat for a change. Needless to say that the whole family tucked into the Chocolate Cookies so she didn’t manage to eat many herself.

Today has been a baking day for some orders for collection Peach Melbas, Mini Chocolate Eclairs and Empire Biscuits to be exact. Everything went okay until the first batch of Eclairs didn’t bake as well as I wanted them to but they didn’t go to waste. My children ate them as a snack throughout the day so that was good. I managed to bake a batch on my second attempt that were okay but they are such delicate little things so once the cream is added OMG how difficult do Mini Eclairs become to handle. I think that is what caused the most stress today. I still have more baking to do tomorrow so I hope that the next batch of Mini Chocolate Eclairs turn out better than the first ones today. 🙂

When Monday comes around I have orders to bake of the most popular bake on my webshop Empire Biscuits and these need posting too. Looks like the whole of the UK likes Empire Biscuits as when I check on Google for “empire biscuits to buy online” my webshop is first on the list. My husband say that it may just be on my google as it may be linked to the IP address so I would love to know if anyone out there is finding it the same for them. Let me know if you do?

My plans for the weekend, in between a few baking orders are to crack on with the nutrition on my products and recipes along with the recipe books. Catch up on my paperwork for the baking business and hand in the second assignment for the teaching course I am studying for. It has taken me weeks to finish this assignment but with everything else going on in this house it is really hard to focus on just one thing. 🙂 That’s my excuse anyway and I am sticking to it!!