Easter Holidays are Over

Awww, Easter is over and the children are back at school. 🙁 Sad Face!! I think it is a bit of a sad face for me as I had a lovely relaxing weekend away with my family to end the school holidays on a high. As I spent most of the school hols baking I didn’t have much time to spend taking the children out and about – in fact two of them had to miss out on time with friends as I couldn’t afford the time away from the kitchen. Never mind, the unexpected treat over the Easter weekend made up for it as away we went on Easter Saturday to a lovely caravan in East Yorkshire. Very relaxing indeed as I didn’t even take my laptop with me but today I am back to work with a bump so to speak.

Blogging and Housework

The first job I did this morning after the school run was reopen my webshop and Etsy shop. Then I had to try and get through some housework before sitting down at the computer to work. Housework started, third load of washing spinning as I write and I have just checked my mail on the blog to find three orders already. I had a few orders already to do plus a birthday cake for my son who is having a party on Sunday so the week is going to be a busy one again. Not bad really considering I feel like I ought to be working on the webshop to change a few things around and make it more appealing to you the consumer. What do you think?

My Flyer for my Webshop
My Flyer for my Webshop

Orders to Bake

So it looks like tomorrow is going to be a baking day which is great 🙂 My plans of doing the cleaning over three days – one floor at a time – may have to be changed though if I want to get my house in order now the children are out from under my feet. No point in stressing over a bit of cleaning though as long as the children are fed and watered, wearing clean clothes then all is good.

Friday Treat Box Orders

As well as baking tomorrow, I have orders for Friday to bake for collection and postal delivery – Corned Beef Pies and Brownies to be exact – these may well be in the treat boxes on Friday? I am wanting to try the Gin and Lemon Cupcake idea out too along with other flavours but I am still checking on the alcohol requirement for selling alcohol with homebakes. I don’t want to get myself into trouble so I am waiting for a reply from someone who knows at the council. Personally, I don’t think there would be enough alcohol in the pipette to warrant needing a licence as there would certainly not be enough in the cupcakes to cause any serious harm to the customer. As long as the customer is over 18 years of age then it is legal isn’t it? Maybe I will bake a batch on Friday and give them as samples to my customers who collect from me to try. As for the nutrition on these type of cupcakes I don’t even want to think about the calories do you?? 🙂

From the Foodie Calendar there is one day in particular which I want to bake something for and that is “National Blueberry Pie Day” which is on the 28th April. I think I will include Mini Blueberry Pies in the Friday Treat Box , this week. What a box of goodies it is going to be 🙂