I have had so many things to do this week and it is already Thursday. Where has the week gone? The weather is dire today so I am sat at my desk looking out through a rain splattered window onto a dreary garden. Not very exciting or inspiring for that matter but I have loads of orders this week to work on as well as some new ideas to try out that I have plenty to keep me out of mischief. One of the main areas I am working on are the postal services available on my webshop.

I am loving checking my emails every morning to see what the day has in store for me. Many of these emails are related to orders which I am receiving thick and fast from both my webshop and my Etsy Shop. Both of these shops have similar products but I set up the Etsy shop as I thought I would become more visible to a wider audience. At one point I was going to open a shopify shop too but I decided against that as it would have been far too much work for one person to keep up to date.

My Flyer for my Webshop
My Flyer for my Webshop

Now that I am receiving plenty of orders I am finding that I have less time to work on my blog which could be seen as a rather bad thing but the blog is running along nicely with no major hiccups – touch wood :).

White Chocolate Gingerbread and Empire Biscuits
White Chocolate Gingerbread and Empire Biscuits

With all the orders, a few changes which I have needed to make were highlighted – a good thing really. Such as the addition of Special Delivery Guaranteed by 1pm via the Royal Mail as I have noticed that some of the orders have struggled a little bit to arrive on time so I have took the decision to add alternative delivery options. I hope this helps especially on the run up to Christmas. The next thing to decide is if I should set an end date for Christmas orders  – as in Christmas bakes as I have set a collection date for customers close to me but as of yet nothing has been decided for the postal delivery customers. This date will have to coincide with the Royal Mail dates for parcel deliveries. If you visit my shop now you will see that there are other options for postal delivery. 🙂

I am in the process of adding the otehr products which I have available for postal delivery and collection for Christmas such as Yule Logs, Christmnas tree Cupcakes, Hot Chocolate Cones and Chocolate Spoons. Lots to do so I may have to start staying up a bit later at night.