“New Year’s Day” and how to fill in the day – apart from sleeping off the partying with my family 🙂 We had a great night with lots of dancing and laughter and my children still haven’t risen from their beds even though we are part way through the day? They must be exhausted 🙂 I am taking it easy today with no jobs to do except to plan for the week ahead.

I have a busy week ahead with a trip to York with my eldest who is back to university. It has been lovely having her home for a couple of weeks as she is a great cook so we have eaten some lovely meals. I will miss her 🙁 My car is off to the garage this week and fingers crossed it is easy to repair as I am really missing driving it. Don’t get me wrong my husband’s little car is good to drive but it is just not the same and now that he has the all clear to drive again – (lots of MRI scans and medical checks later after his ill health last year) – he is making up for lost time and insisting on driving all the time.

This “Christmas and New Year” has been spent very much appreciating that my husband is still here for myself and my children as I really don’t know what I would have done without him. If anything it has made us realise that it is the time you spend with people who you love that is important rather than the gifts so this year we didn’t buy for one another. Instead we have decided to book for a break for just the two of us which we haven’t done in a long time. We haven’t booked anywhere yet though as life is just too busy right now – maybe in the Spring when the weather is a bit nicer. 🙂

In the meantime, I am going to keep getting creative in the kitchen and trying out new ideas, as well as, running my business so I have plenty to keep myself busy. I will keep sharing what I get up to but my main aim for this week is to get my tax return sent in to the HMRC and that will be another job ticked off my list 🙂 Then I will crack on with stock checks, packaging restock and general reboot for my little business whilst the order book is quiet. I do have a couple of birthday cakes to bake this month so I have to plan for those too. 🙂 Thank you for ordering from my baking business I really do appreciate every order which I receive. It is when I get feedback like this from a new customer that I really do feel like I have achieved something for myself and not just as a mother or wife. These words are what keeps me going. Thank you:)

They were absolutely fantastic.
Some were given as gifts and everyone who received them has raved about them.
Thanks to you I am very popular right now lol 😂
Cakes are beautifully light and very well flavoured.
Cheesecakes, just perfect.. crunchy base and my fave filling made specially 🥰
Quiche was delicious, warmed it up and it just melted in your mouth.
I can’t say enough great things about the food you made for me.
I know it was a huge pain to get it all done but you did it and did an absolutely amazing job.
I would recommend you to anyone.
Thank you so much ❤️❤️

From my Facebook Page

For now though I am off to enjoy a cuppa and watch a movie with the hubster as the decorations come down tomorrow in this house and we are starting to get back into a routine 🙂