Ohhh home schooling don’t ya just love it.My head has been buzzing this last few days with all the different subjects the children are studying. Being able to move from one subject to another is definitely a skill of mine though but my head hurts sometimes with it all. The live lessons are going well, so far, and I am very impressed with the broadband provider as it seems to be holding up. The only child who I have to guide and spend a bit more time with is my son but we seem to have come to an agreement this week. He gets the work done with no arguments and then he has the rest of the time to himself whilst the girls (my daughters) carry on with their normal school routine. Well as normal as it is now with one of them at the dining table, one in my room and one in their room. It is at times like this when I realise that the sooner we move to our new house the better as they will all have their own room 🙂 Just have to hope the internet is just as good in the new house because having 13 devices running at the same time is like running a office building. God knows what the electric bill is going to be when we leave this house. 🙁

My plan for when the moving day comes around are to close the webshop the week before to prevent any orders (sorry about this) but then I can move and sort the new kitchen out before I start up again. I promise to share a video of the new kitchen and do a giveaway to celebrate when I reopen at the new house (I still haven’t managed a giveaway like I promised at the beginning of the year). I can’t wait now to get moved and I know the children are excited too. As we are all busy with homeschooling and working during the week we are leaving the packing and sorting out till the weekend which is working out really well but it makes the weekend pass too quickly and right now I love my weekends.

Back to today though and what I am wanting to research online as I am trying to think up some new Valentine Bakes to add to my webshop plus some other ideas. Once I have a plan of what I want to do then I need to find the time to spend in the kitchen and this is when I may struggle a bit but I will get there eventually.

My plans for the rest of today are to take a daughter to her doctor’s appointment and then prepare for tomorrow as I have a few bakes to get through. These bakes are to be posted to one of my regular customers in the UK. I do love my job and I can’t wait to get back in the kitchen tomorrow. I may even hide in there later and have a go an idea that I want to try out on my family. Maybe my customer will get a piece or two sent to her in the post tomorrow as a little extra treat ( I do value her feedback ).

Right I’m off to have a nosey at some baking ideas that I would like to try and some inspiration for birthday cake order which I need to bake this week, too.