WOW another lockdown and more home schooling. Well the home schooling is with a different school this time for my youngest child and it seems more organised than last time so my son and myself seem to both be enjoying it. However, it is still early days so I’ll let you know how it is going in about two more weeks. My eldest two girls are just knuckling down and seem to be getting stuck in with it all. A quick nose around the bedroom door to check if they are okay and that is all I need to do unless told otherwise. My youngest daughter is the one who needs guided still so I have sat her down to complete work that needs handed in tomorrow just so that she doesn’t have too much left to do as I am baking for customers tomorrow. This daughter tends to not read what she has to do properly so I find I have to carefully steer her in the right direction. I know she will do the work so I am leaving her to it whilst I am blogging.

The baking restarts tomorrow for customers and I can’t wait. I just had to reopen the webshop as I was having withdrawal symptoms and I think the children and my husband were starting to feel the strain as I was becoming more and more cranky due to not baking. Although, I could have baked for my family and I do sometimes, I think the break over Christmas, as well as, finishing other jobs I needed to do, has given me more time on my hands and the time felt right – customer queries helped – so my webshop is open again. 🙂

I have already prepared for my bakes for my customers so it looks like Friday is going to be busy. I’m really looking forward to getting back in the swing of things, so much so, that I might get up bright and early, just to start before the children show their faces.

I have Peach Melbas, Mini Cheesecakes and Bakewell Slice on the menu for collection from my door tomorrow. Collection will be contact free from my front porch which I will have set up nice and clean and freshly disinfected prior to collection.

Blogging Notebook
Blogging Notebook

For the last few days, I have been working on the products on the webshop and planning what new products I want to try out so there may be samples for my customers to try soon. I have been wanting to re-work the webshop for a while so it has been good to actually sit down and do it without too much distraction. Now the children are homeschooling I feel like I am going to be struggling to find time to work on the blog and webshop but I will have to find the time as there is still plenty I want to do with it.

As for the house move which we thought would be happening next week, there seems to be hold ups with the house we are trying to buy so it is just a waiting game for us right now. I hope the buyer of our house can wait a little bit longer and doesn’t change his mind as the longer this goes on the more worrying it becomes – many sleepless nights have been had in the last few weeks – none of them to do with Santa Claus either. 🙁 I’m sure everything will be fine but with this lockdown again I just don’t know anymore. I just have to keep looking at the positive, keep busy and keep packing and cleaning as I go so that there is less to do when the time comes.

That’s my news so far in 2021. How about all you out there. What have you been baking? What would you like me to offer in my webshop? Feel free to drop me an email or message and I will get back to you. 🙂 In the mean time, stay home, stay safe and protect the NHS.