Being Self Employed is Hard
OMG it is half term at my childrens’ schools so my life has just got so much more difficult. Trying to explain to children that their Mam is working and that I can’t just drop everything to suit what they want to do has already ended with on rather long discussion about working for a living from home and being self employed. I know that we will be going back to this topic again and again (especially with the teenagers) for the rest of the week. If I could take the time off from my work I would but unfortunately I am rather busy this week with lots of school half term baking to do and I can’t turn work away. 🙂 I have managed to pacify them for a while with a trip to the shops – they are walking there, so it will take them a while, just so I try to get through some work. I may be working into the night a few times this week just to spend some time with the children. :)zzz
Orders to Bake
I was up really early today to bake for a customer order which they are coming to collect. After baking Peach Melbas and a traybake of Flapjack and I really enjoyed my time in the kitchen. My aimis to try to complete some work so that later I can take one daughter to her friend’s house and then spend some time with my family. I know the week ahead is going to be manic – not only with baking orders though as I have a few ideas I want to try out for “Easter” and “Mother’s Day” (a very important day).
Valentines Bakes
My “Valentine’s Day” bakes went down a storm which has boosted my confidence no end. I know I am more than capable of baking but to receive really nice comments has helped me no end. I baked loads of different treats ranging from:-
- Cupcakes
- Cookies
- Giant Cookies
- Chocolate Bark
Also, I had my Valentine Giant Choc Chip Cookie giveaway this week and it went really well. The lady who won it left me a great review on Facebook.
“Absolutely beautiful valentine cookie very tasty and was a huge hit in this house would highly recommend”.
Feeding the Troops
I am pleased it is only a week the children have off for the half term but I know it is going to be a long week 🙁 I really need to go and make a list or two to keep myself on target as I need a big shop soon and I really should write down all my ideas just to empty my head. There are a couple of bakes I want to do today just for my family to enjoy. The first is some sort of savoury idea using up the leftover pasta dish which the children enjoyed yesterday. I am thinking of trying out Pasta Bake Fritters as a quick snack for our lunch. For dessert later, I am going to use up the left over peach slices which I used for the Peach Melbas today. I am going to make a Peach Cobbler – husband’s idea – and I can serve it with the leftover double cream. I can’t wait can you??