Monday 26th June – Well what a day it has been. After a great weekend, I had another good day today  as I was pampered for a little while before having to fill in a bit of time this afternoon before going on the school run. I have done nothing in the house so tomorrow is going to be a catch up day. Apparently, it is going to rain tomorrow so I am planning on baking some more brownies for the children for the week as well as a pudding to serve with custard for dinner tomorrow night. Something involving forest fruits and white chocolate I think. I am going to be using up some ingredients this week that will  need to be used up soon before they go out of date. I have [amazon_textlink asin=’B005J3VUXY’ text=’crystallised ginger’ template=’ProductLink’ store=’wwwlovetobake-21′ marketplace=’UK’ link_id=’3ba39fe7-5b36-11e7-a61c-0b15dea03fc1′], walnuts, hazelnuts, currents, coconut and lots of other goodies to use.


Tuesday 27th June – However, a trip to the supermarket will be needed to make sure I have enough flour, eggs and cooking margarine to make these bakes this week. As well as these ideas I really need to try and finish the painting which I started this last week, catch up on back links and  carry on with an idea which I started the other night when I couldn’t sleep. I have decided to try my hand at writing a fantasy story book. I spend so much time telling my children stories over the last twelve years that I wanted to get some of my ideas down on paper or screen as it happens. My husband thinks it is great idea but I  think it is going to be a long haul job which will only get done when either I have some time on my hands or when I can’t sleep.

Back to the baking, I really enjoyed my baking time last week and the Oreo theme was a big hit. I will be trying these recipes again but with different flavours. The children are still asking me now to make some more of the cookies. However, on Sunday morning, I made some cookies with sprinkles on the top and some with a “[amazon_textlink asin=’B00WUIALGS’ text=’Freddo face’ template=’ProductLink’ store=’wwwlovetobake-21′ marketplace=’UK’ link_id=’54b63c57-5b36-11e7-947d-555efff7143d’]” on the top. I did not add the decoration until the cookies were almost baked to ensure the decoration stuck to the cookie. Then I placed the cookie back into the oven for two more minutes before removing them, hiding them whilst they cooled, sharing them with the children. These cookies have kept them going for the last two days. The cookie jar is almost bare so I am going to have to bake something later today.  This cookie recipe which I used is probably going to be the one which I use to make the “Icecream Cookie Cones” which I have seen on various Facebook posts – as this is an idea that I really want to try soon. I will share this recipe but I will have to make the cookies/cookie cones and take some photos. Watch this space.