Tomorrow I have an order for baking for an afternoon tea. The customer wants a variety of goods made in advance that she can freeze and defrost as and when she needs them for her afternoon tea parties, which are happening over several days/weekends. She has tried my goods before and knows exactly what she wants me to bake. I haven’t written anything down apart from the price and my head is full of ideas for decorating the final goods. Needless to say I had a sleepless night. I am organised in my head now though and know what I am going to do tomorrow.  This morning has been the hectic part,  a combination of a daughter who was trying to get a day off school saying she was ill, plus said daughter forgetting her guitar, then finally going to the supermarket  to buy ingredients for another daughter’s  cookery lesson, I have only just sat down to begin working.

As for tomorrow I am baking trays of bakewell slice and cheese scones. Brownies and cake will be made at a later date. I am still trying to think of other things to prepare in advance so as not to leave too much to the last minute. I will keep you up to date with what else I make and if my readers have any ideas please feel free to share. 🙂