Where does the time go? It just seems like yesterday when the schools had broken up for the summer and now there is only one week to go and I am partly sad as I have enjoyed the more relaxed atmosphere (or laziness of it all) whereas I am partly happy to get back into a routine. Tuesday morning was spent buying their new bits and pieces which they need for school. My purse is now empty so it is just as well I don’t have much more to buy.

Last week, is just a dim and distant memory for me as I spent the weekend camping near St. Andrews in Scotland. Lovely weather, lovely company, lovely food and a lovely time was had by all. An impromptu visit which was really enjoyable but now it is back to earth with a bump as there is loads to be done before next week.

Still on the subject of last week, I baked many Savoury Quiches in a variety of flavours for a customer order and decided to offer quiches to my regular customers to collect from my door. Also, I had a couple of traybakes for postal delivery. Gingerbread with White Chocolate winged its way to North Yorkshire whilst Bakewell Slice was headed to Essex. Two yummy homebaked treats for my customers to enjoy over the long weekend.

As for the Quiches, I baked a Bacon & Tomato Quiche, a Feta and Spinach Quiche and a Cauliflower & Broccoli Quiche. My favourite quiche is the last one as I don’t use egg in this Vegetarian Quiche which I often bake for a dinner at the weekend. The mini quiches are perfect size for taking on a picnic or as part of a packed lunch for the children. This is what I am working on at the minute with my eldest daughters – packed lunch ideas so they can eat a variety of foods instead of taking the same thing each day. Proving quite hard to do as they are both rather fussy and I wish they would just take a ham sandwich? 🙁

This week I have Savoury Pies to bake for a customer so there may be some spare. Also, I want to bake some treats to celebrate a few National Food Days, this week. In particular, “National Banana Lover’s Day” which was celebrated on the 27th August 2019. I am baking a Banana & Raspberry Traybake for this food day. For “More Herbs, Less Salt Day” on the 29th August, I am going to bake some Cheese & Herb Straws ( a savoury treat) and for “National Toasted Marshmallow Day” I am going to bake a Smores Cookie Bar Traybake of some description. I have an idea in mind so we will just have to see what the end product looks like. A surprise treat me thinks? As I haven’t baked the Banana & Raspberry Traybake or Smores Cookie Bar before I don’t have any images to share yet. The suspense is killing me 🙂