Weekend Away
What a fabulous Bank Holiday weekend I have had. After a brilliant response to my Friday Treat Boxes, savoury pies and the orders for collection which I had on Friday I thought I had earned a well deserved rest. On Friday night, we went a day early to a family get together which had been organised months ago. A whole youth hostel was taken over by all my family, brothers and sisters, sister-in-laws and brother-in-laws, nieces and nephews and my mother, of course – a great time was had by all. Everyone mucked in and helped, the younger ones were well entertained and the older ones, too. So much alcohol was consumed that the recycling bins were overflowing.
Birthday Cake Design
However, in the back of my mind was the birthday cake design which I am working on for collection soon. I can’t wait to try out the ideas which I have seen done on other cakes. I have watched so many tutorials that my head is buzzing so roll on Tuesday. 🙂
Prep All Done
I’m all prepped for this cake order – I have made handmade Chocolate Truffles, some Chocolate Bark, covered a cake board with chocolate fondant and I have printed out some letters to practice my icing techniques on so that I can decorate the cake with a message. I know in my head what I want the cake to look like but what it turns out like may not be the same as I tend to change things as I go along. I am going to make a smaller version as a practice one to try out the ideas on first so I can get everything right before I decorate the real thing. Think I am slightly nervous about this order but I know I can do it – just a case of getting the hang of the different decorating techniques it is going to involve 🙂 Photos to follow later, I promise, after the customer has given the cake to the birthday person.
Alcoholic Cupcakes
My plans for this baking wise is to try out the Alcoholic Cupcakes which I have seen lots of on social media right now. I have all the equipment and ingredients ready so roll on Wednesday – fingers crossed I can ignore the state of my living room walls for a little bit longer and don’t decide to paint anything like I did last week.
The Foodie Calendar, for next week has “Have a Coke Day” on the 8th May so I am going to include Coke / Cola in the Friday Treat Box in the form of Cola Cake – something I haven’t baked since my market days. OOOhh, there is also “National Butterscotch Brownie Day” which has to be celebrated doesn’t it? I will think about that one 🙂 My favourite day to celebrate is happening on the 11th May “Eat What You Want Day” – what can I bake to celebrate that very special day? I love it don’t you?