Now Halloween is over what to bake next for my family. On Bonfire night we are off to a party and I will be baking some cakes. One idea has been floating around in my head for a caramel cake with what I hope will be a fabulous decoration. I have dreamed about this cake for two weeks now and was hoping to make it for my birthday but alas that didn’t happen. I will no doubt make this cake for the weekend along with a tray bake to use up some of these sweets which my children gathered from their “trick o treating” adventure on Halloween night.
My caramel cake will be a genoise sponge flavoured with caramel essence. Probably three layers, just to be a bit more decadent and celebratory. The sponges will be sandwiched together with home made caramel sauce and butter cream. The whole cake will be covered in ganache and the top will be decorated with rolos and some crunchy caramel pieces. It will be a caramel overload of the best variety. I can’t wait and I am actually salivating at the thought of it.

My favourite pudding which is ideal for Bonfire night is my caramel apple shortbread. I made this recipe up from a variety of other recipes to make a version of my favourite dish. I will be sharing this recipe in my new recipe book but I will go into more detail and share a photo on my blog when I have made it this week.
All I seem to be doing these days is researching and typing which I am enjoying but as from tomorrow I am in the kitchen trying out some new ideas and getting ready for bonfire night.
I have already made my Christmas cakes for family and they are now maturing in the coldest, driest part of the house. I have made my husband his favourite this year a chocolate fruit cake. It is out of this world and based on a Nigella recipe.