My weekend has been a child packed one with different events to go to on Saturday and Sunday so the whole weekend has gone past in an absolute whirr.
As for this week, I have just had the most important visit of a home bakers life – my food hygiene inspection visit. I am pleased to say that I have passed the inspection of my kitchen and my business. I achieved a 5 star hygiene rating which is the best you can achieve in the UK. I am so proud of myself even though I have had an inspection once before when I ran my market stall.

Food inspection done I have another busy day ahead of me and I am so glad it is a cold one. I’m working with chocolate making Chocolate Baubles and Chocolate Snowballs and a few Hot Chocolate Pots. If it is cold outside then I don’t have to worry too much about the chocolate setting which is a good thing. I seem to achieve better results when I leave the tempered chocolate to set in the mould and I don’t refrigerate. As well as that I few baking orders to get through this week so I don’t think I will get much of a sit down. Still that is how I want my days to be BUSY!!

I managed to bake a couple of my Christmas Cake orders over the weekend so I am hoping to get them iced and decorated tomorrow. At some point this week I need to head to the shops and finish the Christmas shopping for my little cherubs.
As the weekend has been so full on and it doesn’t like I am going to have a break this week either then all I can say is roll on the holidays :). This is the fun part of being self employed or hard part if you want to look at it that way.