One week back with the webshop open again and I am getting busy already so it looks like I have been missed, unless it is just a case of people supporting the small businesses in the UK, at this dreadful time. I’m not sure but I am so glad I have started baking again for the public and I am certain my family are happy too – as they are not having to eat everything I bake hahaha 🙂
In the last week, I have had a Birthday Cake order, two postal orders and several orders for collection and delivery (social distancing rules adhered to at all times).
The Birthday Cake was a cake which I made by special request from the customer – rainbows and stars were the theme of the cake. With this in mind, I came up with an idea that I wanted to try out, found a Youtube video tutorial to watch and planned everything I needed to do complete the order.

The finished Birthday Cake looked fab – well I thought it did anyway. It was a half and half cake – half Victoria Sponge filled with strawberry jam and vanilla buttercream, half Lemon Sponge filled with lemon curd and lemon buttercream. Once the cakes were covered in the rainbow coloured buttercream you couldn’t see the join. The stars were added at the end to adorn the top of the cake after I added the chocolate drip to the edge of the cake and a collar of buttercream rosettes.
For the “V E Day” celebrations I decided to offer Mini Savoury Pies and Mini Cheesecakes which are always available to order from my webshop. These went down a storm and I only baked to order so that there was no waste or rather no leftovers for my already full family to have to eat. Don’t get me wrong they are not putting on weight as the daily walks, daily runs, house cleaning, decorating, zoom karate and dance classes and cycle rides are managing to keep the children, my husband and myself fit and healthy.
Over the weekend, I received two postal orders via my webshop which I had only reopened last week due to the difficulty in sourcing ingredients. Thankfully, I have been able to find a wholesaler who is delivering which has been great as I can buy in bulk and not worry about going to supermarkets.
My postal orders, for two different customers were both for Empire Biscuits (proving popular this week). One customer ordered a tray of Jammy Dodger Blondies too and I couldn’t resist baking a spare tray for myself as these are my favourite. I think it is the combination of blondie, strawberry jam, crunchy Jammy Dodger and yummy white chocolate all finished off with a dollop of fresh cream that I enjoy about these irresistible treats 🙂 If you haven’t tried these yet then you really should as they are so yummy!!

After a busy weekend of baking and painting, Monday arrived along with home schooling, posting parcels, studying and general housework. Today, has started with a trip to the supermarket, homeschooling, marking some schoolwork, helping to dye my eldest daughter’s hair all before I could continue with the painting of a ceiling in a large bedroom. Now I am sitting down to begin some writing for my next assignment – the sun is shining and I’ve just eaten my lunch. I’m a bit on the tired side but I might have a strong cup of tea to keep myself awake as I really need to get through this work.
My plans for tomorrow are to start sorting out a wardrobe and the contents within but not until the homeschooling is finished. Maybe while I am doing the mundane jobs I can have a think about what I am going to bake at the end of the week for my regular customers or I might just see how the webshop orders progress – who knows – I might receive some more orders to keep myself busy.
Right now, I’m feeling like I need to finish the jobs that need doing in the house so that I can focus all my attention on keeping up to date with the food blog and webshop whilst home schooling. Maybe if I finish the jobs in the house like decorating and de-cluttering I will feel much better about being stuck in this house with all my family and I can take things a bit easier over the summer 🙂