It is really early but I needed to write up my recipe for the Marzipan Loaf which is absolutely a winner in every way. It is so tasty whether eaten hot or cold and goes perfectly with a cup of coffee. I wanted to write it now before the chaos of the day begins so here goes. This loaf is so easy to make.

[lt_recipe name=”Marzipan Loaf” servings=”8″ prep_time=”1H30M” cook_time=”40M” total_time=”2H10M” difficulty=”Advanced” print=”yes” summary=” Nutritionally, one slice contains 354 calories, 12.5g total fat (16% daily total fat), 51.8g total carbohydrate (19% daily total carbohydrate), 2.3g fibre (8% daily fibre) (based on a 2000 calorie diet).” image=”” ingredients=”For the dough:;15g dried yeast;6tbsp warm milk;12oz plain flour;2oz butter;1 egg;2oz caster sugar;pinch of salt;1/2 lemon rind (grated);For the filling:;3oz marzipan;2oz flaked almonds;For the glaze:;3tbsp icing sugar;1tbsp lemon juice;2tbsp water;” ]For the dough:;In a bowl, mix the yeast with the warm milk and leave to react for 10 minutes.;In another bowl, weigh out the flour.;Melt the butter in a pan then add the sugar, salt,and lemon rind.;Add the liquids to the flour and the egg and mix together to form quite a stiff dough.;Knead the dough for 10 minutes until smooth.;Place in a bowl and cover to allow the dough to prove for 40 – 50 minutes.;Roll out the dough to 1cm thickness.;For the filling:;Add the marzipan in chunks and flaked almonds over the surface.;Roll up the dough.;Cut along the length of the roll.;Twist the two pieces around each other.;Transfer to a tray.;Allow to prove for 30 minutes.;Bake for 40 minutes a Gas 5.;For the glaze:;Make the glaze by mixing the icing sugar, lemon juice and water together.;Brush the glaze on the loaf when it comes out of the oven.;;;[/lt_recipe]

The calories are really good considering that the loaf contains  yummy [amazon_textlink asin=’B00PIQCLC6′ text=’marzipan’ template=’ProductLink’ store=’wwwlovetobake-21′ marketplace=’UK’ link_id=’0757a763-800b-11e7-8b39-db23d1f48c41′]. The loaf could be considered  healthy as the calories are under 400 calories but the problem s that one slice may not be enough as the loaf is so more-ish and you may want to have another slice.  The loaf I made was demolished within 24 hours so I cannot comment on how long it stayed fresh for but I am sure it would keep well in an airtight tin as food with marzipan tend to keep well. Will power is needed to resist this loaf but it is worth making as something different on the table to give to guests as a treat. It would be delicious with custard on a cold evening but is just as nice served alone with a cuppa. The texture and flavours remind me of Stollen which I love so I may have to make it again at Christmas (dreaded word) as something different to have as a treat. The fat and sugar content are quite reasonable. There is a lot of potassium and sodium in the recipe which I am assuming comes from the[amazon_textlink asin=’B00SYHMUYU’ text=’ almonds,’ template=’ProductLink’ store=’wwwlovetobake-21′ marketplace=’UK’ link_id=’2850aa20-800b-11e7-9468-4ffe6978edf4′] and so to, the fibre content. The fat content is reasonably low which is a good thing.

Changes which can be made to this recipe could be to remove the nuts and marzipan if someone has a nut allergy but you would have to replace it with something just as yummy, for example  white chocolate chips and dried cranberries (or even better Terry’s orange chocolate segments instead of the chocolate chips). The latter idea would be totally decadent and send the fat and sugar content sky high but as a special treat it would be sooooo worth it. 🙂 You could make the recipe gluten free by changing the flour in the recipe and egg free by using a [amazon_textlink asin=’B001GVIRKM’ text=’egg replacer ingredient’ template=’ProductLink’ store=’wwwlovetobake-21′ marketplace=’UK’ link_id=’378c0be1-800b-11e7-818f-31d67338eba9′] in the recipe. I think the recipe is a great idea for a diabetic diet as the sugar is quite high to begin with but can be reduced if you change the ingredients, that is, remove the marzipan and use a dried fruit or better still fresh apple slices cut very thinly instead but remember these still contain sugar. You could try to make sugar free marzipan if you wanted to try the marzipan loaf recipe and recipes for sugar free marzipan can be found on the internet.

I have made marzipan cakes before as my family love marzipan and I always have marzipan to use up so I regularly add it to my recipes.

Tomorrow, I will be sharing some other party food ideas on my blog, which I made for my daughter’s party and were a big hit. Back to my new recipe book which I am busy trying to finish writing so that I can have it published soon.  Don’t forget about my other recipe books which are available through Amazon. Then I am off out for the rest of the day as it is a beautiful morning here and I want to get the children out in the fresh air and the warm sunshine.