It’s Monday again – the day after “Mother’s Day” and I am so relaxed today. After baking, decorating and delivering the Cupcake Bouquets on Saturday I am really hoping that “Mother’s Day” was a hit for those mothers who received them as a gift from their loved one or ones. I didn’t receive cake -well I did but it was a shop bought one which isn’t the same. I think my family have been spoilt as two of them didn’t enjoy it. Even my husband didn’t like the taste of it – one of my daughters told me that “nothing compares to my home baked treats” but I wasn’t going to bake yesterday as it was supposed to be my day off. Instead one of my daughters did some baking – some Choc Chip Muffins which she made for her siblings and her breakfast. How nice is that and I didn’t have to do too much at all to help – just the dishes 🙁

I really enjoyed decorating the cupcakes on Saturday and my children enjoyed helping me to deliver them. As I had a few cupcakes left I allowed my children to decorate them for their Nana and Aunty to enjoy. I must say the budding bakers managed to use up all the left over buttercream and many more decorations than I anticipated but they did a really good job. When they placed them in the handmade bouquet the look of joy on their faces was a picture. The Cupcakes were much appreciated by their Nana and Aunty and the best part was that there was a cupcake for each of us too – as they had added names to the top of the cupcakes to keep everyone right 🙂

For the rest of this week, I have a list of jobs as long as my arm that I want to get done so I am going to have to keep the coffee brewing just to keep me awake today as I am really tired (don’t think I have got over losing the hour at the weekend when the clocks went forward). I am hoping to finish the paperwork today so that tomorrow I can concentrate on some baking ideas that I want to try. There are so many great days to celebrate on the Foodie Calendar this month that I just don’t know where to start.

Chocolate Oatie Cookies
Chocolate Oatie Cookies

For April 2nd there is “National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day” so I am going to be trying my Peanut Butter, Jam and Banana Protein Bars again. Maybe I will share the recipe for this bake although I do have the Choc Oatie Cookies recipe to share too. Busy, busy, busy this week and it is only Monday. There is “National Caramel Day” and I have seen a video online where the caramels are melted into different shapes to be used as decoration on cakes etc. The results looked amazing and it is something I really want to try soon. Of course, there is “International Carrot Day” on the 4th April and who can’t resist Carrot Cake or Carrot Cookies maybe. I have also noticed that there is a “Coffee Cake Day” and “National Raisin and Spice Bar Day” this week which I may well have to try and bake something for and maybe add it to the Friday Treat Box this week.

Tomorrow as well as baking I will add the recipe for the Cookies which I made last week as these were a big hit in my house and are quite a healthy choice too. I will be baking them again for my family to enjoy in their packed lunches. OMG, it is the Easter holidays next week here in the UK so I really need to get a move on today to finish some work just so I don’t have to stay up too late tonight. 🙂