Busy, Busy, Busy

Friday was treat box day and I really don’t know where the week has gone but another weekend has arrived and it looks like this weekend is going to be just as busy as the last one 🙁 No lie in for me then!. Time really does fly when you are busy and being self employed seems to create a whole lot of jobs that need doing.

Friday Treat Box

My Friday Treat Box today contained Devil’s Food Cake as a loaf cake and I must say it is delicious and moist. So easy to make and I didn’t follow any method when I made the trial cake. I looked at a few recipes including those I have to hand at home such as Nigella Lawson’s “Feast” recipe book and Mary Berry’s “Ultimate Cake Book” recipe book. Two of my favourite recipe books to inspire me 🙂

The other bake I have included in the treat box was Choc Chip Cookies and I used a recipe which I always go to when I bake cookies as my children love them. I love using the same old recipe and then changing the flavours etc., to create some other unusual or fancier flavour than before.


Orders to Bake

My order for today was to make a batch of Cheese Scones to be collected by a local farmshop. I always bake extra of the Cheese Scones when I get an order as my husband, children and myself love them. However, there were not too many left spare so I decided to offer some for sale to my local customers.

Part way through the day I decided to bake a Chocolate Courgette Cake as a sample bake really but after trying it on my mother, my husband and myself I decided to offer the bake as a sample to my customers today. I like to get feedback, negative or positive, from my tasters as it helps me in the long run.

Saturday is run around day for me especially as I have an order to bake on Sunday for Peach Melbas. I love making Peach Melbas – watching the fondant icing fall down the cream filling is mesmerizing. I will be needing to nip to the supermarket to grab the ingredients as I don’t keep a stock of everything. Thankfully there is a supermarket close by so I don’t have too far to go. 🙂