Where has the weekend gone as it is already Wednesday and we are half way through the week already. Do you feel like the weeks go faster as you get older. The children will be happy anyway as they are nearly through the week so they are a little bit closer to the holidays. I think that is all they live for these days. 🙂 I, on the other hand, feel like I have managed to do a few jobs which I wanted to get done but I still have so much to do yet and there are just not enough hours in the day.
I am not doing a Friday treat on my Facebook page this week just to give myself time to catch up with some jobs which I needed to do. Today, I have one postal order for a tray of Bakewell Slice to finish and then I can get on with jobs in the house.
I have bought myself a new gadget this last week – an edible printer – my husband’s idea really so that I can branch out with my cake decorating skills. My first real test with this printer will be to make the cake topper for my son’s birthday cake which I need to make for Sunday. I know what I want to make for him and when I explained to my husband what my plan was he added to it and so the edible printer was bought. Hehehe!! – I am loving the fact that I now have to design cake toppers and so on to use with the printer. I’m so excited about having this machine and can’t wait to start using it properly. I have a lot to learn with my designing capabilities so I need to do lots of practicing.
From the Foodie Calendar, I have missed (well sort of missed) “National Picnic Day” which was on Monday but as today is “National Pigs in Blankets Day” my savoury snack of Sausage and Sauce Rolls would be a fitting addition to celebrate either day. My family had these rolls for dinner last night and they went down a storm.
I made the rolls with shortcrust pastry instead of flaky pastry just because I wanted to try something different. I made the pastry then fitted the sausages to the size of the pastry. Then I added the sauce or rather condiment to the mix and spread or squirted a line of mustard or tomato ketchup along the length of the sausage. The rolls were made, placed on the tray, egg washed and baked. As I had made them earlier in the day my husband as the first to sample them and he seemed to really enjoy both flavours. For dinner, I served them with chips and beans as I wanted to make something quick due to my need to play with my new printer. Hehehe!! Not a scrap of sausage or pastry was left so the rolls were a big hit.
These Sausage and Sauce Rolls would be great for a picnic as they are sturdy enough for travelling, easy to pack and a handy size. No plate is needed with these tasty morsels. My children described as “rather like a hotdog with the tomato ketchup already added” whereas my son said “they were like fingers which were cut off and wrapped in a bandage“. I think he is wanting it to be Halloween already. 🙂
I know Pigs in Blankets involves bacon and sausage but you could make these Sausage and Sauce Rolls with a layer of bacon wrapped around the sausage then a squirt of brown sauce as well before wrapping in pastry. Can you imagine that flavour combination. Definitely one to try in the near future. In the meantime, the recipe for the Sausage and Sauce Rolls is something like this:
A Sausage and Sauce Roll Recipe.
Course: Breads, pies and savoury snacks, RecipesCuisine: savoury, picnicDifficulty: Intermediate18
minutesPerfect for a picnic! You can add whatever sauce you like to these miniature sausage rolls.
For the pastry:
8 oz plain flour
pinch of salt
2 oz Trex
2 oz butter
water to mix
For the filling:
8 skinned sausages
4 tbsp tomato ketchup
4 tbsp mustard
egg wash
- Preheat the oven to Gas 7.
- Line two baking trays.
- In a mixing bowl, weigh out the flour, salt, butter and Trex.
- Rub the fats into the flour to resemble breadcrumbs.
- Add the water to form a soft dough.
- Roll out the pastry to a rectangular shape.
- Cut into four lengths.
- Roll the skinned sausages to fit the pastry lengthwise.
- Place the sausages on the pastry.
- Spread a layer of the mustard or tomato ketchup along the length of the sausages.
- Brush the edge of the pastry with egg wash.
- Fold the pastry over the sausage and stick the edges together.
- Cut in to bite size pieces.
- Place on the baking trays.
- Brush with egg wash and bake for 30 minutes till golden brown.
- Nutritionally, one of these sausage rolls contains 163 calories, 11.1g total fat (14% daily total fat), 11.7g total carbohydrate (4% daily total carbohydrate), 0.7g fibre (3% daily fibre) (based on a 2000 calorie diet).
Nutritionally, this recipe has fat not only from the butter in the recipe but from the sausages. The fat content is high because of this. There is no real way to reduce the fat unless you use sausages with reduced fat content. There are not too many calories or much carbohydrate in the recipe as the main ingredient in the recipe is sausage. As the rolls are miniature in size you would be tempted to eat probably three of these rolls. The results shown here needs to be multiplied by three as they are based on one single mini roll and nobody eats just one – do they??
The allergens in these sausage rolls would be wheat, gluten, egg, metabisulphates, soya and milk. Quite a lot really for a recipe with not too many ingredients.

I have made something similar to this recipe in my Summer Picnics Book but I used flaky pastry and Branston Pickle. Like I say these rolls are ideal for picnics and make a welcome change from sandwiches. They are a big hit at children’s parties and I have often made them for parties in my own house. I have made them jumbo sized and miniature but one place where I never tried them at is when I had the market stall. At my market stall I never sold anything as strange and fancy like these Sausage and Sauce Rolls. I wonder what my regulars would have made of these savoury snacks.