It is Friday again and I don’t know where the week has gone but I feel like I have never stopped. I have had a busy week with plenty to keep myself on my feet. From baking orders for customers on Monday to sorting my office and dining room and dealing with family I have been a very busy person. 🙂 Right now I am loving my office space and raring to get back into my home baking business with renewed passion.

However, I have a busy week ahead full of appointments so I am trying to get through some trial bakes and have a productive weekend. I am going to try my hand at Wagon Wheels – vegan ones I think (so my other daughter can try them). I am going to try my hand at making my own vegan marshmallow fluff for the Wagon Wheels. I have a batch of Slutty Brownies to bake for my daughter’s birthday next week and I am going to tick off a few ideas from my “thoughts book” over the next few weeks on the run up to “Valentine’s Day” as it will soon be time for the hearts and flowers again. I have already ordered a few cakey bits ready for Valentine’s Day and I can’t wait to share my ideas with you. 🙂

Thoughts Book

This month is flying by and “Christmas” seems so long ago – the snow is very pretty outside my window but it is so cold out there. I feel like it takes me hours to thaw out after the school run each day. Roll on the warmer weather as I have had enough of the snow and ice.

I have a Cookie Pie trial to do and if it proves a hit then it will be something new to add to the webshop along with the Birthday Cakes product. So many things to do but time just runs away with me so starting from today my mindset is changing and is going to be pushed to the front of the list – well until something else comes along!!

On the savoury front, I am going to have a go at Breakfast Pies as I have never tried to make these even when they were requested in my market days. It has never appealed to me (probably because I am vegetarian) but for some reason I want to try to bake something based on a Breakfast Pie. Maybe I could make a vegetarian or vegan Breakfast Pie too. I will let you know how this goes as my husband will be the only person who eats them in my house (and possibly a few willing neighbours). Who knows maybe it will prove popular??