WOW where did the weekend go. No sooner did I sit down to have a break then it is Monday again. I tried not to spend time in the kitchen over the weekend and left the rest of the family in charge. My time was spent making notes about what I want to try this week when I am back in the kitchen. Don’t get me wrong, I love baking but I wish there were two of me so that one can bake orders and the other can sort the house. Whilst I’m baking there are so many other jobs that aren’t being done so this week it will be all hands on deck to get through the jobs so that I can get my other work done. Don’t know about you but I sometimes feel like I am the only one who can see that something needs doing which can be quite annoying at times. Being a Mam can be so deflating to the soul if you let it get to you as there are so many hats you have to wear for all the jobs you do everyday just to get through the day. 🙁 Enough about being a Mam and back to the baking. 🙂
Last week started with Empire Biscuits and ended with Empire Biscuits with a few other bakes in between. I had a Brownie Wheel to post to my niece for her birthday which arrived safely and a batch of Peach Melbas for a customer, plus several other customers, to collect from my door.

Judging from the orders I have received so far for this week I am going to have a similar week with plenty of Empire Biscuits to bake plus I have Cheesecake orders to do, too. It looks like it is going to be a busy week again which will keep me out of trouble – hahaha!!
I do want to try out some bakes this week though such as a Banana & Biscoff Loaf Cake as I love both flavours and I think they will go well together. If this flavour combination works then I will be adding it to the webshop 🙂 I am constantly working on new ideas in my head but not necessarily in practice so I need to move some work along and make some room in my head. Thank goodness for the little break I get every school day when I am on the school run as I tend to turn up early to get parked near the school just so I can work out some ideas on paper. 🙂
It is nearly October and Halloween is just around the corner followed closely by Christmas so I am going to be doing some chocolate work soon. I have already added the Halloween and Christmas products on the webshop for your perusal so make sure you enjoy looking at them as I am always changing some products around and adding to them. Being a self employed home baker means I have to try and keep everything moving and not allow my webshop or website to stagnate which is why I keep writing on my blog – although not as much as I used to – the webshop is currently taking up a lot of time 🙂
Right I’m swapping hats now and off to do my taxi driving job as it is time for the school run. 🙂 Enjoy the rest of your Monday!!