Sorry I have been busy – with work as I have had quite a few orders to bake this last week as well finding time to get creating new bakes and trying out new ideas. So far, I feel like I have mastered a lovely Brownies recipe that I found online at Jane Patisserie website which I really like – now I just have to mess around with it and I have a few ideas how to do that. 🙂 This week I have baked Empire Biscuits, Cookie Dough trays and it is only Tuesday.
Not only have I been busy in the kitchen but I am being run off my feet by the number of jobs I need to do in the house and the demands my children make are taking up a lot of my spare time. Needless to say finding time to myself is proving difficult but I am enjoying the chaos right now. How long that lasts I don’t know as the children are breaking up for half term on Friday 🙂 YEAHHHH!! I think I need a break just as much as them so I’m hoping they don’t have too much homework and they get their homework done over the first weekend.
I feel like my Foodie Calendar bakes have gone out the window recently with everything else I am having to do but I am hoping to get back on track soon. One day that is really interesting me is “Peppermint Patty Day” which is celebrated today , the 11th February. What is a Peppermint Patty?? When I googled it to find out a bit more the first “Peppermint Patty” that showed up was the famous Snoopy and Charlie Brown one. This made me laugh as my big sister loved Snoopy in her younger days whereas I wasn’t really into Charlie Brown hehehe 🙂 Food wise (as I am a baker), the Peppermint Patty in the USA refers to a traditional Peppermint Cream in the UK. I remember making these at school in home economics many moons ago. Maybe I should make some this week to be a bit nostalgic and add them to a treat box. Maybe dipped in dark chocolate as a little extra treat for “Valentine’s Day :)”
I have missed so many Foodie Days such as “World Nutella Day”, “National Carrot Cake Day” and “Homemade Soup Day” but I have shared recipes and included posts about these days in the past so you can always search back for my “World Nutella Day” post or Carrot Muffins recipe?
As for the rest of this stormy Tuesday, I really need to catch up on some “behind the scenes work” on the blog and webshop as I have spent this morning doing a bit of sorting out in the kitchen so now I need to get back to my blog. I feel like I could be doing a bit more in the house but I’m trying to spread the work out and spend some time working and houseworking. The joy of working from home 🙁 although it does have its good points :).