This last week has been a strange one as I haven’t been in the kitchen that much due to only having a few orders for postal delivery at the beginning of the week. From Wednesday onwards, I was planning on getting through loads of paperwork whilst the children were at school. Big plans that were so easily broken when my computer packed in on Thursday and I wasn’t able to do anything till my husband managed to have a look at it. On Friday, it took me a while to get used to it as a few changes had been made so I didn’t manage to do everything I needed to do which meant that on Sunday I was sat working when the children were studying too.
Never mind though, it was Monday, yesterday, the start of a good week (I hope) and I have so much chocolate work to do that I can’t wait to get started on it. I’m trying to pace myself though and fit in other house jobs in between. I want to get on with the chocolate work and some Christmas Cake baking whilst my third assignment is being assessed so I have about ten days to use up before it is back to the studying for me 🙂
I’m determined to finish this teaching course as it is another string to my bow, as well as, something that I can use to try and get a job in an educational establishment, as now the children are a bit older I am free to go back to work. My thinking about why a teaching course is that the holidays and terms fit around the children and one parent needs to be available in the holidays. I’m not sure if I’m well suited to being in a teaching environment but raising four children has had its ups and downs but we have all come through it together and the homeschooling in lockdown gave me plenty of practice. I’m sure it will be totally different with children who aren’t related to me 🙂
Although, I am qualified in brewing and distilling, as well as, food science, there aren’t many jobs around for someone who has been out of those industries for a long time now. I would love to get back into brewing but in the North East of England there aren’t many breweries left – just micro breweries now. 🙁 The scientist in me would love to find work in a laboratory so who knows what my future holds but I am really hoping to keep going even if I do start a job somewhere working for someone else as I don’t think I could completely give up the baking 🙂

Enough with the doom and gloom, back to the baking plans for the next few weeks. The webshop is open to order Christmas Bakes and Halloween Bakes so if anyone would like something posting or for collection please feel free to take a look as there is plenty of choice. I can even make some of my other bakes take on a “Halloween theme” and look spookily scary so message me if you have a special request.
I have spent the weekend sourcing ingredients and packaging for a birthday cake order which I have asked to do at the end of October. I like to be organised when it comes to birthday cakes and for my birthday cake this year, which I am not going to make, I have ordered a Sweetie Cake from a local sweet supplier I know called Ceetees Sweeties. She is a lovely lady who is a friend of mine and the idea of having a whole pile of sweets that I like designed into a cake just makes me happy. Alright, I have included some sweets for my children to enjoy but mainly sweets that I love 🙂
I’m trying to leave my Fridays free so that I will only bake for customers who have ordered but make a few spares to offer as a Friday Treat Box. I think I’m too busy right now to be that organised to offer a treat box every week so right now it is only happening if I have orders for the Friday. That is probably not the way to run a business but it is working for me right now 🙂
That’s all for now as I’m off to make a start on some Halloween chocolate treats before I get organised for the imminent school run. Enjoy the rest of your Tuesday!!