Oh, this week has been so hectic and I have been multitasking to the extreme just to get the more mundane jobs done in between working on the blog. I have done loads of little technical things which I needed to try and do on my blog and shop. Most of the changes I have managed to do with a little bit of advice from a good friend and some intervention from my website provider. There are still things I need to work on but it is getting there. 🙂

Due to all of this work I have spent a lot of time away from the kitchen. I did manage to bake a trial Kinder Bueno Cookie Bar which went down a treat with my tribe. This is a traybake which has a lot of potential. I will be adding it to the webshop and the treat box for my customers to try very soon.

Kinder Bueno Cookie Bar
Kinder Bueno Cookie Bar

On Friday, I decided to give myself a break from the treat boxes. Instead, I spent some time relaxing before the weekend started. I knew that Saturday was going to be busy with children going to different places and I was determined to make Sunday “a family day”. You can’t beat a family day can you? It levels you, grounds the children and helps them fall into the right mindset for the week ahead. 🙂

My plans for Monday are to get back to the decorating. So in the morning I will be painting stairs, doors and walls – not trying to push myself, of course. I have planned my painting rota out for next week, so orders permitting, I should be able to get through the tasks. Fingers crossed on this as I feel like I have spoken too soon. Knowing my luck, I will turn on the laptop in the morning, find other jobs and forget about the painting. I am going to be strong as I am very determined to finish my decorating.


After the decorating is finished, I will make a start on all the blogging tasks as there are so many of them to do. A few late nights are needed I think? 🙂

I really do need to sit down and plan what I am going to bake each week as I have neglected the month of June. However, I have been busy with lots of other things and it seems that my life has just become more hectic. Now I have the horrible task of house hunting. Yes, that is right we are looking to move into a bigger – more bedrooms – so the children can spread out more and the harmony can return to the house. Hahaha 🙂 as if that would happen with teenagers in the house – but I can dream can’t I?