It was such a hard decision to close the webshop but I really needed to take a break to get my head around everything else that is going on right now. However, things are starting to be sorted out and I am really missing the baking so I have decided to reopen the webshop. 🙂 I will keep the webshop open for a little while until the moving house part anyway.
My break from the webshop has been very busy with house hunting, mortgage bits and pieces, a mini camping trip which ended up with just one night away, instead of three nights, as one daughter was not well due to her asthma. I think we all felt a bit down after that trip but we are slowly getting back on our feet. Also, I have been studying as I really want to finish this course now. Part of me didn’t want to reopen just yet as I am enjoying the chill time with the family but the other part is wanting to get back to it as I really want to bake for other people instead of just for my family.

Today, there is a birthday in my house so we are planning for a movie night and pamper night later. I haven’t baked a cake for this birthday but I will bake a cake for her socially distant get together, which my daughter has planned with her friends, in a couple of weeks. Today’s cake is from Asda and it looks really nice but I imagine it will taste quite synthetic and my children will probably tell me, too. My daughter loves Macarons so tomorrow I’m going to bake her some as the box she received as a present have been demolished by my little love-to-bakers.
Today, we have viewed the house that we have had an offer accepted on as we wanted to remind ourselves about a few things and do some measuring up. I think we have a better idea about what furniture we won’t need and what we need to buy for the new house. My husband has come home and put several items up for sale already so he is quick off the mark!! I think he is keen to move and get us settled in but I am not looking forward to the moving process at all 🙁
Once moved I will have to get registered with the environmental health again for the new kitchen so that may take some time but I once I have a moving date I will let them know. All change but in a good way as this house has a bigger kitchen but a different oven (have to practice with it when I move in). There are more positives about the new house but at the same time we have lived in this house a long time and it is the only home our children have lived in so there are lots of happy memories. I’m going to take so many pictures over the next couple of months so that I have a visual memory to look back on in years to come. The house where our children were little and grew up in – OMG I’m going to cry!!
Baking wise, I haven’t done too much whilst closed but I have let my daughter have free use of the kitchen without me checking on her which has been nice for both of us. I have had plenty of time planning and I know exactly what I am going to bake tomorrow but I’m not going to say anything yet, you will just have to watch this space.!!