Since reopening the webshop last week I have been based in the kitchen all week. There have been so many orders, most of which have been for postal delivery and I must say that Royal Mail have been fantastic. Every parcel has arrived in good time, so my nerves have not been completely shattered, whilst I wait for the parcel to be delivered. Thank goodness for the track and trace app with Royal Mail so I can keep a check on the parcels via their tracking numbers.

My week started with “all things biscoff” with a dash of sprinkles thrown in for good measure 🙂 There was two trays of Biscoff Blondies, three packs of Biscoff Stuffed Cookies and a Sprinkles Cake to be baked, This was the biggest order I had this week for postal delivery to a regular customer of mine. A lovely lady who loves biscoff spread – “a biscoff lover” just like myself 🙂 I really enjoyed baking her order early on Monday morning, and when I say early, I mean starting baking at 4.30 am just to be finished before the family get up 🙂 It has been the only way to work with the children and husband being at home over the summer and it is a habit I am accustomed to now.

I didn’t just have this order to post though, as on Tuesday I managed to post four parcels of Empire Biscuits to various customers around the UK. Some of these customers were regulars but I had a new customer, too. Then on Wednesday, I baked an order for collection – Empire Biscuits, of course, and a Cherry and Almond Loaf Cake, for a welcome change. 🙂

Thursday was spent prepping for the Friday Treat Boxes which went very well and by the time Friday evening came around I was too tired to make anything for my tea so a slice of toast sufficed. Don’t worry the children had Pasta Bake (made by my daughters) and my husband had a bowl of cereal. Living the good life we are right now. 🙂 The Friday Treat Boxes were a good one this week as they contained Raspberry Creme Tarts, Lemon Meringue Tarts and Peach Melbas. All yummy and all homebaked for my customers to enjoy. What I need now are some reviews to add to my webshop and to google so that people can see that I ain’t too bad at what I do.

It’s Saturday, I am sat in bed writing with James Martin on the TV and I think our plans are to take some photos of my daughters triple bunk beds before dismantling them as we want to sell them before we move. It means the girls will be sleeping on mattresses only for wee while but I don’t think they will mind. Sometimes you have to make sacrifices to move on to the next stage of your life. I’m hoping to fit in some time for studying as I have passed two assignments now on my teaching course and I am keen to get through the others to finish the course. I haven’t managed to get too much done this week so I really am hoping to get some done this weekend.

Next week, I have a few orders booked in for collection and postal delivery already but I will see how the week pans out as I want to do a trial bake or two if I get a chance. I have agreed to my two eldest daughters having a get-to-gether – socially distanced ones – in our garden with a few friends, on different days. The gazebo will be up as I want them to stay outside (except for using the toilet) for several reasons:-

  • my husband is back at work but working from home so he won’t want too much noise in the house.
  • I have orders to bake on the days their friends are here so I want to keep them out from under my feet.
  • I have agreed to a McDonalds as an incentive to keep them all outside.
  • My children haven’t seen any of their friends over the lockdown months and they deserve a treat.

Well I have been and collected a McDonalds breakfast for us all as a last holiday treat and now the work for the day must begin. So much to do in my head I just wish I had the energy to go with it but I will try. 🙂