It might be the weekend but I am still working. I don’t seem to give myself much of a break these days but when you are working from home you are never far away from your work and it can take over or get in the way if you let it. It doesn’t help having my desk in the front room and my main work area being the kitchen but I wouldn’t have it any other way. I have had a rather long break as I was taxi driver for a few hours whilst I took children to parties and dance class then I came home and had a quick lunch before disappearing into the kitchen to make time to create? Hehehe!!

I managed an hour or so in the kitchen baking some different cookies  for the children to try. I had a recipe in my head which I knew made gooey type cookies that the children love but I wanted to bake them as normal and with gluten free flour and egg replacer in them. I had time to do this as I had nothing else that needed doing and I love having time to create. I am still waiting for my new packaging to arrive for the “Mother’s Day” idea I have for next week so fingers crossed it arrives sooner rather than later, but in the mean time I am going to try the cookies again till I get them how I want them to be. The cookies keep well if stored in an airtight tin and the children don’t eat them all straight away.:)

The cookies were baked and have been taste tested by all the children and husband. I can tell which ones they prefer as they have eaten most of the gooey cookies and left the crispier ones (the gluten /egg free variety). One child has tried both and says they are both nice but I think she is biased. My husband commented on the gluten/egg free variety as being “shell like and hollow but crisper”. He preferred the traditional cookies as well but he did eat the gluten/egg free cookie  with a cuppa so they can’t have been too bad. Both types of cookies tasted fine but I think they were too sweet (that may be just me though). I am going to make another batch as I wanted them to be thicker so I still have some work to do on them. Also, with the gluten free/egg free cookies I forgot to add the xanthan gum which may make a difference to the texture. The cookies certainly won’t go to waste as the family will eat them over the next couple days.

The main differences between the cookies were:-

  • the traditional cookies were gooier in texture.
  • the traditional cookies are not as grainy.
  • the traditional cookies have a better colour.

Other than that there were no real flavour differences and I am sure if you had a blind taste test you would not have been able to tell the difference.

I have been looking at the Foodie Calendar for next week and it is “National Oreo Day” on the 6th March which is cool as my whole family loves Oreos. I have baked a lot with Oreos in the past but this time I have a different idea to try out. I can’t wait.

It is “Dementia UK’s Time for a Cuppa” this week, so the cookies I bake this week will be a welcome addition to the tea table for sharing with friends and family and I will share the recipe when I am happy with it.  Also, if I make them gluten and egg free they will suit everyone.