It’s Monday again – where did the weekend go? I’m pleased all the snow has gone and really hoping we don’t get anymore this week but we will just have to wait and see. I’m in “Mother’s Day” prep mode this week as I have a few bakes to get through – some which are to be posted so my main job tomorrow is to prep the ingredients and kitchen ready for baking.
This week I have homeschooling to fit in with my work as there are more teacher strike days unless things change before Wednesday and the strikes are called off. So that will be fun and a little bit crazy but I’m sure I will get through it. I’m sure this week will fly by just like every other week.
My orders for this week include Empire Biscuits, Mother’s Day Cupcakes and Mini Bakewell Tarts plus a little treat to my daughter who is at university working hard but feeling lonely!! I think right now I would give my right arm to be down at her university – alone – studying and fending for myself. My daughter would rather be at home where all the action is, as well as, all the home comforts but she managed to stay at university this weekend instead of coming home due to help from her friends and having to do work with them. I am very proud of her so I will send her a little treat. It worked out well as while she is down there I have managed to concentrate on another daughter who is studying for spring assessments – she needed a little bit of a push (from my other daughter and myself) or rather guidance but she is more organised now.

Yesterday, after helping my daughter out I was able to concentrate on my jobs as the list just keeps getting longer. I have so much to do this week but there is no point in getting stressed so I’m going with the flow and if I don’t manage to get everything done then there is always another day/week/month to add the job too.
Yesterday, I really struggled to find any alone time and wished I had a home office with a lockable door but I don’t think that is ever going to happen so I hid in my bedroom instead. I wanted to make a start on some work I wanted to get through but every time I am downstairs something else seems to distract me. The main problem is everyday family life really and all it entails. Don’t get me wrong I wouldn’t be without my family but sometimes as a mother you just have to force yourself to not go and put more washing in, not tidy the kitchen, wash and dry the dishes and then put them all way – the list could go on and on and on. I decided that it was time for someone else to take responsibility for the house but the feelings of guilt are ridiculous. I could hear my husband doing the dishes and my daughter helping him but I didn’t jump in to help or takeover. Instead, I forced myself to hide away and ignore what was happening in the kitchen. In fact, I hardly showed my face at the kitchen window yesterday which is not like me at all.
As we agreed last week that I needed to make my home baking business my main priority in the house, after the children and husband and that the rest of the jobs I do are supposed to be done by everyone so the guilt I am feeling has to stop. However, I am finding that stepping back from doing the jobs is proving harder than it should be as I am so used to just doing everything to keep the house running. I am sure I will get there and start to delegate a bit more – or continue to hide when I need to get some work done!!
For the rest of today, I have a kitchen to clean, shopping to organise and book keeping to get on with so I am ready for the student finance applications which two of my daughters will be doing soon. Also, it is a plus point for me if I get my books up to date for when the year end comes in April 2023. Life never stops does it?