Breakfast Pies

Breakfast Pie Trial

Well the Cookie Pies are going to be added to the webshop and I may remove some other products just to make room for them. However, I moved on to something savoury for a welcome change as I feel like I never get to bake many savoury treats. I’m have been thinking about Breakfast Pies


Working On A Few Ideas

It is Friday again and I don’t know where the week has gone but I feel like I have never stopped. I have had a busy week with plenty to keep myself on my feet. From baking orders for customers on Monday to sorting my office and dining room and dealing with family I have

Birthday Cake

Slow Start Back

Well two weeks into 2023 and I have had a nice and slow start back to the baking to ease myself back in. The “New Year” is always the same for a home baker as everyone has sickened themselves of the sweet treats or they have gone down the diet route which means that the

New Year, New Plans

“New Year’s Day” and how to fill in the day – apart from sleeping off the partying with my family 🙂 We had a great night with lots of dancing and laughter and my children still haven’t risen from their beds even though we are part way through the day? They must be exhausted 🙂

Christmas Eve Bakes

Christmas Bakes

This year I have received a variety of orders for regular customers and a few new customers too. It has been lovely (but hectic) making sure I had everything ready for the “Christmas” orders so that I could just get on with everything, as well as, baking for online orders and the stress of posting

Turkish Delight Brownies

Midweek Mayhem!

Well the Christmas order book is starting to fill up and it looks like I am going to be busier than I initially thought which is all good. Thank you to those of you who have already ordered through the webshop or messaged me privately. If anyone would like to order for anything for “Christmas